Brunswick by Night

Brunswick by Night

                                                                                 Brunswick. Maine

Who We Are

Mediocrem his. In quo delicata maiestatis, duo lucilius adipisci cu, fabulas impedit vituperatoribus in vim. Ne simul iriure accusamus sed, vim utinam rationibus definitiones ad.In mundi deleniti ullamcorper his, equidem recusabo inciderint mea ad. Te quas quodsi duo, ei eos altera maiorum salutandi, mei repudiandae interpretaris ne. His eius legendos constituam ex, saperet necessitatibus

Off the main highway on a gravel road, it seems you'll never reach your destination, and then suddenly a enormous size Gothic French Mansion is seen, intimidating and a bit unsettling, the glow from the lighthouse glides across the towers of the Seville Inn. The sounds of the waves crashing against the rocky shore is soothing to the ears. As you climb up each step you can sense someone was recently there before you. The butlers open the double tall glass pane doors as if they were expecting you, the girl at the front with a warm smile awaits your approach as she is ready to assign the prefect room to your liking.

The anonymous owner spared no expense in renovating The Seville Inn to its glorious beauty as it was first built. It took years to accomplish but every detail of the mansion was the exact replica in every bedroom, dinning rooms, parlors and hallways. The ballroom seemed to attract the conversation of others, they gather for hours getting to know one another. Perhaps twisted plots and calculated plans crossed their mind, or pure genuine curiosity of another. Although very few knew of the horrors beneath the mansion, the murky dismal watery tunnels and various rooms with shackles and chains among other notorious items.

                                                                                                          A glimpse of some of the rooms in The Seville Inn
The world stands on the brink of untold prosperity, but deep in the shadows, something is stirring. As something prepares to give way to the Gilded Age, monstrous horrors once thought to be myth are rising and threatening to emerge from from the globe's murkiest recesses. Mercifully, there are those who know the truth willing to step beyond the brink of what is seen and stand against the encroaching darkness. We can only pray their courage remains when they come face to face with the most twisted contortions of evil that await the present.